Terraform for alerts
Configure all your alerts, notifiers and notification policies through terraform.
Advantages of managing alerts as code
- They are version-controlled, making changes and rollbacks more transparent and trackable.
- This approach allows you to standardize alert configurations across environments, eliminating manual errors and drift between staging and production. You can apply the same alert configuration across all your deployments / environments.
- Terraform's declarative nature also makes it easy to spin up or tear down alerts alongside your infrastructure, ensuring your monitoring evolves with your stack.
- Integrating alert management into your CI/CD pipeline means faster, more reliable deployments, as your alerts will always align with the infrastructure they monitor.
Use oodle's Terraform Provider
Example usage
terraform {
required_providers {
oodle = {
source = "registry.terraform.io/oodle-ai/oodle"
# These can also be set as environment variables:
# export OODLE_DEPLOYMENT=https://us1.oodle.ai/
# export OODLE_INSTANCE="my-instance"
# export OODLE_API_KEY="my-api-key"
provider "oodle" {
deployment_url = "https://us1.oodle.ai/"
instance = "my-instance"
api_key = "my-api-key"
# Example usage of notifier, notification policy and monitor.
# Refer to https://registry.terraform.io/providers/oodle-ai/oodle/latest/docs/resources/notifier
# for schema documentation.
resource "oodle_notifier" "notifier_test1" {
name = "terraform_test_notifier"
type = "pagerduty"
pagerduty_config = {
service_key = "foo"
send_resolved = true
# Refer to https://registry.terraform.io/providers/oodle-ai/oodle/latest/docs/resources/notification_policy
# for schema documentation.
resource "oodle_notification_policy" "test1" {
name = "terraform_test_policy"
notifiers = {
critical = [oodle_notifier.notifier_test1.id]
# Refer to https://registry.terraform.io/providers/oodle-ai/oodle/latest/docs/resources/monitor
# for schema documentation.
resource "oodle_monitor" "test1" {
name = "terraform_test"
promql_query = "sum(rate(oober_food_delivery_revenue_usd[3m]))"
conditions = {
critical = {
value = 1210000
operation = ">"
for = "3m"
notification_policy_id = oodle_notification_policy.test1.id
Apply terraform configuration
terraform init
terraform apply