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Oodle provides a seamless integration with Fluentd. By adding Oodle as a output destination in your Fluentd configuration, you can start sending logs directly to your Oodle instance.


To configure Fluentd to send logs to Oodle, you'll need the following values:

  • OODLE_INSTANCE: Your Oodle instance ID
  • OODLE_API_KEY: Your Oodle API key for authentication
  • OODLE_ENDPOINT: The Oodle endpoint URL for log ingestion

Add the following configuration to your Fluentd configuration file:

<match **>
@type http
endpoint "https://<OODLE_ENDPOINT>/ingest/v1/logs"
content_type application/json
json_array false
@type json
include_time_key true
time_key timestamp
time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%NZ


If you need assistance or have any questions, please reach out to us through:

  • The help chat widget in the bottom-right corner of this page
  • Email at