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Explore Oodle with Synthetic Metrics

You can try Oodle out in less than 5 minutes by deploying a sample application on your machine. It runs following components in a docker compose stack:

  • A Go application that emits Prometheus metrics.
  • A Prometheus scraper that scrapes the metrics from the Go application and sends them to Oodle via a remote-write endpoint.

Running Sample Application

You can run the sample application on your local machine by running following command:

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" deploy --token <OODLE_TOKEN>

Sign up for free to get the token. This command runs the sample application on your local machine and start sending metrics to Oodle.


Once you are done with trying out, you can cleanup using the command:

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" deploy --cleanup


The installation script requires following to be installed on your machine:

The script attemps to install the prerequisites if they are not found on your machine using brew on MacOS and apt/yum on Linux. In case the script fails to install the prerequisites, you can install them manually and run the script again.

The script also requires following ports to be free:

  • 6767 (Go application)
  • 9797 (Prometheus)

If the ports are already in use, you can change the ports by setting APP_PORT (default 6767) and PROMETHEUS_PORT (default 9797) environment variables.


1. Docker is not running

If Docker is not running, the script will not be able to create the docker compose stack. Please start Docker and run the script again.

For systems using systemd, you can start Docker by running following command:

sudo systemctl start docker

For MacOS, please install Docker Desktop first, and then run the command below to start Docker:

open -a Docker

2. Docker Permissions Issue

If you don't have permission to run Docker containers, then will not be able to create the docker compose stack. You can either setup Docker such that it can be run without needing sudo or you can run the script with sudo by adding sudo to the beginning of the command.

sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" deploy --token <YOUR_OODLE_TOKEN>

3. Not seeing any metrics in Oodle

If the application ran successfully but you are not seeing any metrics in Oodle, then check the logs of the docker containers to see if there are any errors.

cd prom-go-demo
docker compose logs

If there are any errors due to port binding, then you can change the ports used by the application and Prometheus in the following manner:

APP_PORT=<free_port_1> PROMETHEUS_PORT=<free_port_2> sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" deploy --token <YOUR_OODLE_TOKEN>

Visualize Metrics

Demo application also creates a dashboard on Oodle for you to visualize the emitted metrics. The dashboard link is provided in the output logs.


If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact us via our help chat app located at the bottom-right of the page or by reaching out to